MITWS is a not for profit organization and managed by a group of researchers and faculties. This journey was started by the joint efforts of students and some research scholars. Community donation of old books for a charitable library for the poor and needy students. MITWS was registered under Society act 21, 1860 based at Nawabganj, Bareilly. NGO Darpan NITI – AAYOG Unique ID: UP/2019/0240486 Registration No. 411/2012-13; Renewable No. B366/2019-20 Phone number: +915825226755
About Me

- MITWS (India)
- 121 Station Road, Bijauriya, Nawabganj, Bareilly, 262406, Phone Number +915825226755, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Mahamana Innovative Technologies Welfare Society (MITWS) is an association of researchers and teachers, most of them are working as regular employee in various academic and research institutes. It was registered on 14 September 2012 under Society Act, Sec 21, 1860 at Nawabganj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. MITWS members include government/private organization representative involve in science, technology, and social welfare programs, research scientists, managers, technicians, private consultants, educators, enforcement personnel, information specialists and students. The activities of MITWS are carrying purely as a service for the humanity. We are acting as a bridge between academic and industries and contributing a important role for engaging a number of people in the process of nation building. The core working domains of MITWS are education and research.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Donate your spare books
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Student Celebrate @ board exam result# MITWS
Need to work together for supporting startup and upgrade existing startup
Friday, 19 June 2020
MITWS is going to start an online community radio as a new platform to communicate with people. In this platform we concentrate on various topic of science and technologies, talk with children, farmers, innovators, researchers, industrialist, MSME people, Academicians and many others.
Announcement and discussion session on various current topic related with science, technology, rural development and entrepreneurship development.
We will engage many people in it on various roles, those who are willing to participate in this initiate of MITWS are heartily welcome.
MITWS is going to start an online community radio as a new platform to communicate with people. In this platform we concentrate on various topic of science and technologies, talk with children, farmers, innovators, researchers, industrialist, MSME people, Academicians and many others.
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
India Against China
MITWS creates a face book page "India Against China", so that we can discuss and update and contribute for develop us with our technology and manufacturing. Since years, MITWS has been advocating the development of indigenous products and manufacturing. We understand that still there are many areas where an academician and industry can unite and work together. The India against china is not only just to oppose china but it should be a awareness to support our own industry and local business, we all can contribute in this direction: scientist can develop new technologies, a local business man can promote indian brands, community level new enterprises can start by youth, generate new employment by small scale enterprises, ordinary customer can protect flow of Indian currency to other countries by purchasing made in India products. Industry should improve its quality and production capacity, so that they can compete with the chinese or similar foreign products. Even students can take part in this mission they can materialize their should think and act how they can materialized their new ideas for technology development and setup new business model. A college or university also focous on the how they can motivate students and scholars for participate in new concept and technology development and support their students for their projects and ideas. Make India an economical strong, and technological self dependant is the core ideology of MITWS, for that we are frequently talk on this issue support scholars and provide free consultancy. We invites many people and they act as an academic and industrial advisors, so in this way MITWS develop it self as an intellectual pool of scientists, reserchers and acadmicians. We are always here to put our best effort in our missions. Researchers should submit technology oriented projects to funding agencies. In this way a constructive and positive approach can make in real sense India Against China.
We should learn from China how it make be a world leader in manufacturing and technologies... Because they support industries at very ground level, start manufacturing of every thing, utilise its big population as a wonderful resource. The public of China undertsand that employment generation, production, and new startup can only sustain such a big population.
We should learn from them the way they become the leader in manufacturing. In India the main obstacle is political and government office corruption, commission agents, irresponsible youth, many time money oriented thinking, self centre personality, fighting on the basis of cast and religion, and government support is not enough, documentation process is not easy and our mentality to be a servant not a owner, so generally youth dream for a job not for implementation of knowledge they gain in education for starting own startup. The worst condition of the local education system, coaching syndicates and methedology of teaching. Student are now run behind marks and percentage an invisible race is there. The coaching system kill the natural process of creativity and knowledge accumulation. The note giving system prevent students to explore books.