MITWS is a not for profit organization and managed by a group of researchers and faculties. This journey was started by the joint efforts of students and some research scholars. Community donation of old books for a charitable library for the poor and needy students. MITWS was registered under Society act 21, 1860 based at Nawabganj, Bareilly. NGO Darpan NITI – AAYOG Unique ID: UP/2019/0240486 Registration No. 411/2012-13; Renewable No. B366/2019-20 Phone number: +915825226755
About Me

- MITWS (India)
- 121 Station Road, Bijauriya, Nawabganj, Bareilly, 262406, Phone Number +915825226755, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Mahamana Innovative Technologies Welfare Society (MITWS) is an association of researchers and teachers, most of them are working as regular employee in various academic and research institutes. It was registered on 14 September 2012 under Society Act, Sec 21, 1860 at Nawabganj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. MITWS members include government/private organization representative involve in science, technology, and social welfare programs, research scientists, managers, technicians, private consultants, educators, enforcement personnel, information specialists and students. The activities of MITWS are carrying purely as a service for the humanity. We are acting as a bridge between academic and industries and contributing a important role for engaging a number of people in the process of nation building. The core working domains of MITWS are education and research.
Thursday, 30 April 2020
New business models and startup supports.
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Need to reforms in education systems
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Aryavart Vidyapeeth
MITWS in association with Aryavart Trust working on Aryavart Visawa Vidya Peeth (Deemed to be University in the de-nova category).
Those who are interested to be a part of this mission as funding partner, industrial collaborator, academician may discuss their issues on the open whatsapp group Dr Karan Patap Singh.
We are specially looking academician, senior technologies and and authors/researchers as a member of he team. We expect this team will help us to design innovative syllabus/modules for graduation and post graduate level students.
We will redesign the course content by keeping the certain point in our mind
a. The course should not seem to be so wired and student should show their interest to adopt it as their choice.
b. The course will provide depth of knowledge in that particular discipline.
c. There should be freedom of choosing elective subjects.
d. Enough space for inserting tradition contents, futuristic topic and expansion of the subject, and cross talk of some other subjects, inter disciplinary approach, practical and experimental approach.
e. The course should be design in such a manner that it not only prepare the student for the exam bu also for their life.
f. We are develop student as an excellent workforce who are expert in their subject area and very able to face the challenge and could get enough opportunity to get trained, and cultivate the new knowledge in that particular subject.
g. The designing of course should be research directed and our student will be excellent researcher in the future.
h. It is generally happen whatever the subjects a student study in his college time, and after investing enough hard work and precious time and money it will not remain in use after completing its exam. The study should be like that the hard work and time will be fruitful through out their life. Make them a complete stable citizen after their exams.
MITWS has been communicating for many professors and researcher in this time. we are already working since last few years for the educational reforms and technology development. we are very well awrare that there are many loophole in this education system and there is need to redesign many things.
starting this new university will make us able to fuse various new technology, re-experiment the education and teaching methodology. for this purpose a number of suggestion are coming from the advisors of MITWS. They are working silently and we are believing that a joint effort of the team will make ARYAVRAT VISWAVIDYAPEETH will be a center of excellence of new knowledge cultivation and re-explore the subject and knowledge. we are try to reinvent vedic knowledge with the contemporary and tradition knowledge. A perfect fusion of vedic and modern science and technology will be present a new era and horizons in science and technology.
Other than science and technology, we also put special attention on social sciences, arts and linguistics. We will develop a center of excellence for various module of arts and artists and national and international languages and we will also think about the cross language talks and growth of local languages and ancient languages. There are many ancient languages which are reach at the point of extinction. we will try to explore these ancient languages and provide excellent training by using modern science and technological tools.
MITWS has been communicating for many professors and researcher in this time. we are already working since last few years for the educational reforms and technology development. we are very well awrare that there are many loophole in this education system and there is need to redesign many things.
Monday, 27 April 2020
Three different approach in MITWS research program
Sunday, 26 April 2020
We are looking Partners for our Incubation and Research Center
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Membership type and fee
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Why we start Mahamana Innovative Technologies Welfare Society
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Program for participate in Govt. Schemes (PGS) SANKALP
a) To apply for various certifications and approvals of government for participate in various schemes.
b)To participate in government schemes for rural developments, elder education, agricultural reforms, new technology development, youth development, educational and scientific programs.
Programs for Employment Generation (PEG) AADHAAR
a) To involve in activities/programs for
supporting new startup companies and employment generation
b) To tie up with placement agencies for
providing jobs to rural youth.
c) To facilitate the development and implementation
of new business model considering sustainability, better environment, health,
rural development, agriculture, technology ventures, new technology implementation
and demonstration.
d) To facilitate the formation of
woman self support groups and introduce a successful business model for
providing employment to women.
e) To facilitate learn and earn schemes.
Program against White Collar Corruption in Research and Educational Reforms “PWCCRER”
a)To raise voice against the bogus
and manipulated research work by researchers.
b)To involve in RTI activities regarding
academic corruption.
c)To raise voice against illegal appointment
and promotion process.
d)To raise voice against sub-standard
salaries to teachers in private college.
e)To present the case of teachers and
researchers in front of authorities for any injustice take place in the work
f)To provide legal consultancy to
researcher and teachers for any injustice.
g)To support ethical, creative and
innovative research work by research scholar, faculty members and scientists.
Program for Skill Development (PSD) Prakash Computer Point
provide computer literacy to village youth and students.
provide basic to advance computer courses.
provide online services to the rural people.
provide internet surfing zone.
providing soft ware, hard ware and repairing and maintenance of computers and
provide E-library facilities.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Tips for the mentors of MITWS
Getting Started
Mentoring an entrepreneur, small business or nonprofit owner is a great way to give back and develop your own business, teaching, and leadership skills. Here are a few tips for getting started.
Identify Your "Superpower"
Your superpower is the thing that you do best. Maybe you have a wide array of business skills and can help an entrepreneur get his or her organization off the ground. Or, maybe your superpower is more specialized, and you can help someone with a marketing plan or finances. Whatever you have to offer, be confident in this ability and assess how your expertise can be best applied to the entrepreneur’s specific situation. With that said, be clear about your core competencies, and how much weight should be given to advice within and outside these competencies.
Ask Questions
Sometimes, mentoring is as simple as asking key questions. In formulating their answers, entrepreneurs are forced to get to the heart of their business problems and articulate their most pressing needs. When asking questions, make sure to actively listen to your partner, respond in clear and simple language and always be sensitive to their specific personal and professional circumstances. It is also important to be direct and thorough in your feedback. Remember that “do not” is at least as important as “do”.
Don’t Take the Simple Stuff for Granted
One major mentoring hurdle that you will likely encounter is the challenge that comes from stepping into your entrepreneur’s world and discovering how different it is from your own. If this occurs, it is important to resist the urge to second-guess yourself and instead remember that you have diverse skillsets that can be immensely helpful even if you aren’t completely familiar with their work.
For example, entrepreneurs are often so close to what they are doing that they struggle to make effective management decisions. From a higher vantage point, you can provide valuable insights into key competencies like personal organization, prioritization and goal setting. You can also be a great help to your entrepreneur by simply listening, gathering information and providing positive reinforcement.
Questions to Ask the Entrepreneur
We've identified six key questions that can help to get your mentoring relationship moving. When asked in this order, these questions provide a great framework for determining your entrepreneur’s business challenges—which in turn, can help you deliver better guidance as a mentor.
1. Why do you do what you do?
This question is intended to help your entrepreneur clarify and articulate their purpose. What drives them to do the work that they do? Why are they in the business that they are in? Their answer should help reveal their passion for their profession.
2. Where do you want to go from here?
What is your entrepreneur’s ultimate goal? This question is designed to unearth their aspirations and identify their business objectives.
3. What are you currently doing well that’s helping you get there?
This is a great way to pinpoint your entrepreneur’s core strengths. What are they naturally good at doing? Motivating a team? Sticking to a budget? Encourage them to think of their own “superpower” and how that will help them attain their goal.
4. What are you not doing well that is preventing you from reaching your goal?
It’s important for your entrepreneurs to recognize their weaknesses and the challenges that are standing in the way of their success. Encourage them to conduct an honest assessment of what is preventing them from reaching their goal—whether it’s at a company or individual level (or both).
5. What will you do differently tomorrow to overcome your challenges?
This is about helping your entrepreneur prioritize the right things. People have a natural tendency to focus on the things that they do best (i.e. their answers from question three) and spend less time addressing their weaknesses (i.e. their answer to question four). The problem with this tendency is that while they may boast a phenomenal work ethic, if they are not focusing their hard work on the right things, they will be very limited in their progress. Use this question to make sure they understand what behavior change is needed in order to reach their goals.
6. How can I help? / Where do you need the most help?
Now that you’ve tackled the first five questions with your entrepreneur, the answer to this question should reveal itself much more easily. You’ve illuminated their overall goals and honed in on the challenges they face—now, it’s simply a matter of aligning those areas with your specific skills, expertise or resources.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Program for Science Club (PSC): MahamanaVigyaan Manch
Program for Science Club (PSC)
MahamanaVigyaan Manch
support and motivate for establishing science clubs in various schools and
b) To
develop understanding about science subjects aptitude among children and
c) To
aware youth and children about scientific phenomena taking place in their daily
d) To
organize events/activities which improve the general awareness on pollution,
water preservation, renewable/green energy, deforestation and effects, conservation
of environmental, wild life animals, personnel and social hygiene, first aid
technique during emergency situation, and other science and technological issues.
provide opportunities for interact/communicate with scientists.
provide career guidance and career consultancy.
organize activities for popularize science.
h) To
help for the development of moral values and tradition with a scientific
i) To
registered the science club to VIgyan
Prasar NETwork (VIPNET) of Govt. of India.
j) To develop discussion groups/forums.
k) To
organize motivational lectures, workshops, seminars, lecture classes and short
term skill development training.
l) To
prepare a group of students for doing volunteer activities for societal and
nation building activities.
m) To
organize special class room sessions and support them for science projects/
model and assignments.
Program for Online Services Helping Hands
a.To provide online study materials,
training, lecture series.
b.To provide free online consultancy on
research, career, admission, and entrepreneurship.
c.To support for theoretical and experimental
research design and test set up.
d.To provide online facilities for data analysis,
statistical, chemical, mathematical analysis and other trouble shooting.
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Program for Scientific Events (PSE): MILAN
Ø To
participate and organize various events such as conference, workshop, seminar,
training sessions. These events provide wonderful experience to interact with
the people from academics and industries.
Ø To
get opportunities for learning various aspects of science/technology and recent
trends in research.
Ø To
communicate with a lot of people and collect their feed backs and response regarding
the reforms required in education and research system of the country.
Ø To
display the work done by MITWS to other scientists and technologist.
Ø To
provide awareness to our research scholars about various scheme running by
government and other funding agencies.
Ø To
facilitate the increasing membership of the society using these platforms.
Ø To
communicate with scientific community in a better ways.
Program for Engaging Donation and Charity for Social and Scientific Purpose “UPHAAR”
mitws is a Non-Profit Organization founded by Research Scholars and Scientists. Our Lab Equipment Donation services aim to enable India to feel good about recycling, disposing or donating their used lab equipment. Contact us to request and schedule one of our free pick up services. MITWS use these instruments to help our young researchers and root level innovators through Technology Translation Center (A center dedicated for the development of new technologies). All donations are Tax Deductible charitable donations. We can handle any capacity of business volume and will collect everything you wish to donate. Our friendly representatives will contact you about your donations and work with you to arrange a convenient time for your pick up. Our mission is to be an unbiased non-profit organization of researchers and technologists.
Program for Charitable Libraries and Reading Room (PCL): "Mahamana Charitable Book Bank"
a. Establish Charitable Book Bank and
Vachanalaya (reading room) in rural area.
b. Take old and spare books in donation and
provide them to needy students and other book lovers on nominal/nil membership
c. Student consultancy and support by
appropriate books/ magazines for specific competitive examination.
d. Initiate interactive session in schools
and colleges by providing e-lectures and video conferencing.
e. Provide
daily newspapers and other magazines.
f. Organizing special lectures.
Note: We are requesting you, kindly don't though or sell your old spare book in junk. You can donate your books to libraries of near by schools or college. You can also donate your spare old books to us, your junk can be a new way for learning to a poor and rural students.